

An initiative of VisAble

Please see below information regarding a comprehensive data gathering anonymous survey on Child to Parent Violence and Abuse:
Survey is available here:
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (CPVA) is more common than we think. It can occur in any family and there are many reasons why it may happen. Parents/caregivers have reported feeling ashamed that this is happening to them.
There have been no prevalence studies in Aotearoa New Zealand which means that it remains invisible in policy and service provision.
We (VisAble) think that this needs to change and are asking you to help us be part of this change by filling in the survey to help us understand CPVA and how this impacts families like yours. We recognise that understanding certain behaviours can be complex, particularly when they may overlap with a child’s developmental, health, or disability-related needs. Please know that there is no judgment in this process—your responses will help us advocate for more inclusive and effective policies and services.
The survey is anonymous, that means we will not ask you to share your name or contact details with us.
There is an option to complete the survey online or over the phone. If you want to know more about this option, please email