Please let us know of any news or events happening in your area which may be of interest to our members.
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Please see below information regarding IHC creating a video briefing for incoming government Ministers. The idea is to send the IHC a brief 1 or 2 minute video clip explaining what would benefit you in terms of caring for your disabled family member. They will then create a video montage of these clips for incoming […]
For those for whose children employment is potentially an option, please see information here about the new transition out of school option for school leavers with a disability called Employment Service in Schools. This is an alternative to the ‘Transition Service’ for disabled school leavers who are ORS funded.
Please click here to view the YouTube video called “We don’t fit in” which features within the Radio NZ “Who Cares” article. An excellent watch and listen for all those interested in the care of those with very high and complex disability needs. Video is 21 minutes long.
Please see below information about ‘Skinny Jump’ – an initiative to help people who are commonly ‘digitally excluded’ to connect to the internet. A 30GB prepaid ‘package’ is arranged for only $5. Further 30GB packages can be bought (up to 5 packages per month as your budget allows). There is a link to a list […]
Please see letter from Adri Isbister, Deputy Director General Disability, regarding an extension of the flexibility of supports used under Individualised Funding until 28th February 2021. The letter details the criteria (which are the same as when this flexibility was first introduced during COVID19 lockdown). The funds must be used to buy a support […]