

Please let us know of any news or events happening in your area which may be of interest to our members.

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Carers NZ – Second State of Caring Survey

More than a million New Zealanders care for family members and whānau who are ill, frail, injured, or have a health condition or disability.  But family carers can feel invisible, taken for granted. They aren’t getting the support they need to keep going. Carers NZ and the Carers Alliance are undertaking the second State of Caring […]

Complex Care Group Community Zoom Meeting 9th July

The Complex Care Group Zoom meetings have proven very popular, particularly the early evening meeting from 6.30pm till 8pm.   The topic of the March Whaikaha funding restrictions and Purchasing Rules has been a hot topic.  We are fortunate to have guest solicitor Nan Jensen attending the upcoming Zoom on 9th July at 6.30pm to explore […]


Care Matters is delighted to present our latest resource, ‘New Diagnosis, What Now?’. We invite family and whānau carers to explore Care Matters New Diagnosis What Now Flyer this at our free workshops available online throughout July and August. With multiple morning and evening sessions to fit into your busy lives.   Created by family […]

Complex Care Group Community Zoom Meetings

Tuesday, 18 June 2024 After our very successful two Complex Care Group Community Zoom meetings on 28th May we’d like to welcome all members to another group Zoom on Tuesday 18th June. There continues to be a lot happening in the disability sector and we want to hear what are the biggest issues or concerns […]